Mission Statement: The purpose of this website is for the facilitation of information on pediatric renal replacement therapy in a critically sick child. This web site contains links to companies involved, organizations involved, meetings and protocols in managing critically sick children with acute kidney injury. Further information on the PEDCRRT listserve that is open to all involved in PCRRT (nursing, pharmacy, physicians, etc).
We hope you find this useful.
If you have questions or need help, please contact Dr.Tim Bunchman at
pedscrrt@gmail.com or timothy.bunchman@vcuhealth.org
Dr Tim Bunchman, (right) & Dr. Akash Deep (left) with a conference attendee.
Dr. Tim Bunchman, (left) & Dr. Akash Deep at the London conference.
Dr. Tim Bunchman, right, & Dr. Jordan Symons with a conference attendee.
Dr. Timothy Bunchman (right) talks with Conference attendees in Rome.